Thursday 4 March 2021

Home Learning 3/03/21

 Koloti has been hard at work again! Check out what he's done - especially the video of him reading his monster story. Ka pai mahi Koloti!

Here's what Koloti did today:

- practice sight words (Magenta through to purple)
- Reading "In the bush"
- Counting on practice
- +1 Maths Test
- XtraMaths
- Monster Creation & Writing
- Wrote on his journal

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Home Learning 2/03/21

Koloti has had another awesome day, learning from home. Check out what he's been up to! 

Koloti did the following work today - 
Writing "I can see.." He even drew his own version of what he could see!  
Reading "Lunch for Greedy Cat" (Yellow) - Learnt all his sight words from Magenta all the way through to Purple sight words.
Counting on Maths Practice and XtraMaths.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Home Learning 1/03/21

 Koloti has been a superstar for his first day of home learning this week! Check out what he's been up to. Make sure you watch the awesome video of him reading his story. 

Koloti did the following today:

- Maths Tests -1 and +1
- Reading "The New Cat" (the pink colour) and "Getting Ready for Visitors" (red colour) 
- Worked on the counting on Activity
- XtraMath
- Rearranged sentences from the home learning pack from school
- Writing "I can see..."